"I heard you were behaving in a radical way with the poor innocents," George Norton offered.
Again, this point is made only to acknowledge the beneficial influence of the people who compiled said document, not to link these poor innocents with its results.
Diarmid and Cormack are nothing to her, poor innocents, and she sees no threat in Padriac, young as he is.
Life everywhere is too hard, and those poor innocents remind folk of the Blast, and who would remember that?
They thought it did though, poor little innocents.
I did all I could to help; but all seems little, to the point of crime, when one of these poor innocents lies in such misery.
For these poor innocents, a guide.
"Why ask us poor innocents?"
"They should all be made to come here and see the poor innocents they would deny comfort and shelter!"
Break-neck rides across country, with those poor innocents to save from the wolves who will be howling at us close to our heels.