Results derived from the questionnaire showed that 61% of participants were poor sleepers; 33% reported pain that disturbed their sleep at least three times per week.
Nish was a poor sleeper and was probably up already.
Like most men who systematically overtax their brains, he was a poor sleeper.
As a sleep aid, valerian seems to be most effective for people who have trouble falling asleep and who consider themselves to be poor sleepers.
A poor sleeper?
I gave poor sleepers a placebo one night and a sleeping pill the next.
The discussions of predictive models went on and on, every day, and Mischa Glaub was a poor sleeper.
First, Alice Underwood was an insomniac and a poor sleeper.
People who are poor sleepers may find more benefit that those who are normally good sleepers.
I am a poor sleeper.