A further manifestation of poor supervision may occur when the supervisor does not have the experience appropriate to the current environment.
In Valuejet's case, investigators have said, poor supervision of a troubled contractor helped lead to the crash.
The rising accidents disclose local governments' poor supervision on work safety.
You've got people with high caseloads," she said, "inadequate qualifications, minimal training and poor supervision.
A police report blames poor supervision by a school staff for the drowning of an 8-year-old boy last month.
At the same time if the hygiene factors were a poor working environment, poor salary and poor supervision then we might ask: 'Why work here'?
This is a particular problem in countries with poor supervision of the pharmaceutical sector, which often also have many inhabitants with low incomes.
The hospital agency itself has criticized these private institutions for providing poor supervision of residents.
The problems, they say, range from power failures and poor supervision of service employees to long delays in loading exhibitors' wares onto trucks.
The agency's announcement came a week after department investigators questioned poor supervision and delays between diagnosis and surgery, among other things.