While labour could be paid poor wages they must also survive and be able to work efficiently.
When a family is worse off for working, then it is the poor wages which are wrong, not the benefits.
The causes were many, not least poor wages, a 70 hour working week and compulsory overtime whenever management felt they needed it.
The nearer Peter drew to his father's house the more ashamed he felt at having brought back such poor wages.
The children, ranging in age from 10 to 15, are forced to do hard labor, physically abused, and paid poor wages, or none at all.
So it was just like I was working really except very poor wages like you know.
This industrial down turn also brought poor wages to the already impoverished people.
The employees complain of poor wages, overtime work with no compensation and recent reductions in health benefits.
The strike against poor wages and working conditions overnight became a workers' revolution for democratic rights.
Perhaps the poor wages come from the massive influx of illegal immigrants and not the other way around.