These plants have significantly shortened lives, poor yields that result in losses in revenue.
Biennial bearing can be a problem, with heavy crops in one year being followed by poor yields the next.
Farmers that produce with organic methods reduce risk of poor yields by promoting biodiversity.
In 1908 he built a guano factory and used the product to endure seasons with poor yields or low whale oil prices.
To receive poor yield for your labors, you may expect cares and worries.
The venture did not start out well, because of a drop in the price of apples and the poor yield from the formerly productive trees.
An acute shortage of irrigation water throughout the year annually produce poor yields per unit area.
Bolls are generally knotty, resulting in low quality fiber and poor yield.
However, due to poor yields, it was instead introduced at 12 MHz.
Johnson also warned that farmers will be more vulnerable in years of poor yield under the new farm law.