The poorly differentiated perianth parts that occupy both positions are known as tepals.
For African American men, however, a larger proportion of tumors were poorly differentiated.
Often poorly differentiated tumors do not display such characteristics, making the EM evaluation of little value.
Special studies can help in differentiating more poorly differentiated tumors.
Often poorly differentiated tumors do not display such characteristics, and EM evaluation would be of little value.
Grade 3 tumors have the worst prognosis and their cells are abnormal, referred to as poorly differentiated.
Poorly differentiated cancers have less clearly defined boundaries and cells that look very abnormal.
Whether the cancer cell is poorly differentiated (looks very different from normal cells when viewed under a microscope).
Cancer cells that are poorly differentiated look very different from normal cells.
The core issue is that alexithymics have poorly differentiated emotions limiting their ability to distinguish and describe them to others.