It is poorly structured when any of these features is absent.
While agricultural policy in Russia had been poorly structured and largely unsuccessful, some basic trends have helped to create forces for change.
A new study maintains that the government is poorly structured to assess possible environmental hazards posed by genetically modified fish.
Some critics found the novel too preachy; some, including Leonard Woolf, thought it was poorly structured; some complained of sloppiness in style.
Everything was wrong for him; he was poorly structured for swimming and had to hold his head low lest he capsize.
Leaders of the firefighters union complain that the program was poorly structured from the beginning.
The study concluded: "Wikipedia comes close to Britannica in terms of the accuracy of its science entries", although Wikipedia's articles were often "poorly structured".
This outcome suggests that the options were poorly structured, and, consequently, they failed to properly align the long-term interests of shareholders and managers, the paradigm so essential for effective corporate governance.
However, regrettably I am obliged to follow this positive statement with the observation that the proposal in question is extremely rambling and poorly structured, with many elements repeated throughout.
But after some praise, he suggested the book contained factual errors, insufficient research and is poorly structured.