Goals entail flying through rings or popping large balloons before landing.
You can also pop balloons, or burn through paper, or just enjoy the brightest green laser you've ever seen.
Getting to the center ring at the top of the sky, while gaining points from popping balloons, will help players complete levels.
As with all high powered lasers, such devices are able to pop balloons and light matches.
On Sting's turn, Michael went first and sucussfully popped several balloons in a row.
The objective of the game is to pop balloons using the Wii Remote.
I should have told you we go up to kill men and not pop balloons?
Upon being released they had to pop red balloons to find discs.
At the signal, children were supposed to pop balloons with their hands.
As workers began sweeping up coffee cups and popped balloons, I sat down next to Canada.