And while the intentions behind the re-recording were of course altruistic, the song has been poorly received in the pop marketplace.
Even better, it compresses the logic of the pop marketplace, where aspiring stars must woo potential fans.
The list should be prefaced with a reminder that disappointment in the pop marketplace is relative.
Although not averse to commercial success, they do not aim their work directly at the pop marketplace.
But, like "Nebraska" itself, its implications reach beyond the pop marketplace.
Country music continued its steady gain in percentage of the pop marketplace.
Of course, the busy pop marketplace has no lack of crass, pandering products.
Then the Gallagher brothers can continue their feud in the pop marketplace.
The concert coincides with a flurry of Marley-related activity in the pop marketplace.
But at that moment, she could have been giving dictation to the American pop marketplace.