"Crab Island," a significant sandbar located in East Pass, is a popular anchorage in the area.
It is one of the oldest marine parks on the BC coast, and a popular anchorage in the summer months.
The island is noted for its sandy beaches and is a popular anchorage for small boats cruising the strait of Georgia.
It is a very popular anchorage in the summer months and mooring buoys are provided by the park for visiting boats.
Lituya Bay is the site of the largest recorded tsunami in history and is a popular sheltered anchorage for fishing boats.
It is a popular overnight anchorage for sailors, considered by many to be the best shelter from northerly winds in Moreton Bay.
It has become a popular anchorage in the area.
At that time, and until the 19th Century, Erith was a popular anchorage.
It is probably best known among recreational boaters for the popular anchorage behind Dobbins Island.
The island is a popular anchorage for those looking for a quiet spot to set up camp for a few days.