But getting one and not the other has played a major role in creating the increasingly successful popular backlash against free trade.
Some fear a popular backlash if the experiments fails.
In practice, enough Chinese have already looked through electronic portals to invite a popular backlash if the gates close down.
As the Victorian era drew to a close, however, fashions were showing indications of a popular backlash against excessive styles.
They, too, fear a popular backlash if the city is stormed and many die.
Some thought that the government lifted the house arrest to avoid the possibility of a popular backlash if the ailing Montazeri died while in custody.
If people feel that the market is not acting properly, there will be a popular backlash.
With hostility towards reform growing, the poor results, and Kosygin's reformist stance, led to a popular backlash against him.
But he does not want to push the allies into changes that will cause a popular backlash.
By the turn of the century, a popular and media backlash had begun.