The economy, environment, and Britain's international role are areas of great popular concern.
Rather, its campaign focused on popular concerns like fighting corruption, establishing good governance and restoring the rule of law.
"Suspending work on the dam would be the best sign so far that the new government is serious about taking popular concerns into account."
Both the play and film reflect popular concerns at the time, particularly Freudian analysis.
Consequently food security has increasingly become a major popular concern.
"It has not yet taken shape," he added, noting the "difficulties and popular concern."
Pollution and food safety are popular concerns in China.
The moves were made long before Empire's problems became public fodder and a popular political concern.
Working with finite resources, authors of the Bush strategy sought to address popular concerns.
In particular we should thank the Ombudsman for some of his efforts, such as those relating to the environment, where there is great popular concern.