With the cooling of revolutionary enthusiasm and increasing popular disenchantment with the theocratic regime, the rules of 'hijab' have been eroded in numerous small ways.
Yet, less than three years after taking power, Ratsiraka's regime was confronted with growing popular disenchantment.
As a recession has rippled through Brazil's economy, the second largest in the Americas, popular disenchantment has spread.
Striking a chord reminiscent of their work for Schmidt's, the partners riffed on a theme of popular disenchantment with high Hamptons prices.
In face of increasing popular disenchantment with the British across India, Gandhi and Patel advocated an all-out rebellion demanding immediate independence.
Counting on Ethnic Loyalty Despite the restrictions, new centrist parties hoping to profit from popular disenchantment with the warring factions are sprouting almost daily.
He persevered, however, and swinging public opinion due to popular disenchantment with the Occupation of Iraq once again made him a sought-after comedian.
Nothing came of that meeting except for mounting popular disenchantment as detail after detail of the corrupt election of 1996 came to light.
But what may have promoted peace the most is popular disenchantment with the militias.
The vote signaled popular disenchantment with Mr. Alfonsin's austere and orthodox economic course.