Across Europe radical intellectuals questioned the old monarchial order and encouraged the development of a popular nationalism committed to re-drawing the political map of the continent.
It describes its ideology as "popular and social nationalism" and promotes Greek nationalism.
This historicism resonated with the popular nationalism and pan-Slavism of the period.
It has been suggested that Japanese and Chinese governments have utilized "popular nationalism as a state-led strategy to bolster its legitimacy."
"I worry that this popular nationalism may get out of control."
The aggressive creation of nation-States as part of a blind process of self-modernization, that ultimately produced popular nationalisms, could not be repeated.
Thus was a popular nationalism created, not by intention or design, but out of the exigencies of the struggle.
Japan had no strong allies and its actions had been internationally condemned, whilst internally popular nationalism was booming.
Most participants have adopted some version of the minjung ideology but was also animated by strong feelings of popular nationalism and xenophobia.
Free speech was used for movements, like environmentalism, that were thin disguises for popular nationalism, ethnic resentment and collective action.