His motifs also conform to the patterns popular at the time, with few variations.
Do they thus impose the piety of a religious elite on more popular patterns?
You are able to input new and popular patterns to be stored at a later date for use again and again.
With designers in a retro mood, it was natural for a popular pattern of bygone days to get a new lease on life.
Many newer designs feature a return to popular patterns from eras past.
Long-standing, popular patterns have names that have persisted well over time.
It is a popular pattern for freshwater game fish and was a very popular fly in the 1950s - 1970s in the west.
The list of the 100 most popular patterns amongst others:
There could have been dozens of others sold that looked just like it, if it was a popular pattern.
Since many manufacturers produced close copies of their rivals' popular patterns, carnival glass identification can be challenging even for an expert.