Another popular proposal in Congress is unfettered competition.
One of the more popular proposals would allocate 2 percentage points of the current 12.4 percent payroll tax to personal savings accounts.
This seems to be a highly popular proposal.
"The single most popular proposal is the Pontic steppes".
"It seems to be a very popular election-year proposal, but we have to find out, is it real?"
That's not a popular proposal for any politician to make, but then, neither are the various new taxes being proposed by the Council.
When a popular proposal is blocked the group actually experiences widespread disagreement, the opposite of the consensus process's goal.
"I don't think this is a popular proposal shared by many outside of elites of any kind."
Ellis describes how the once popular proposal died in the Congress largely as a result of the speech.
Creating an Imperial Federation thus became a popular alternative proposal to colonial imperialism.