There is a popular proverb in Oriya which says that even the fish-hunting bird crane does not touch fish during these five days.
Most likely they were popular proverbs, which tended later to be attributed to particular sages.
A popular proverb, or ohabolana, is typically written just above the center of the lower border.
This became a mildly popular proverb in Poland around the time of his life.
You can't have your cake and eat it (too) is a popular English idiomatic proverb or figure of speech.
"When the going gets tough, the tough get going" is a popular proverb.
He says three lines reflect popular proverbs.
His 1911 phrase book had a section devoted to popular proverbs and sayings.
Al-Shirbini makes extensive use of oral material including jokes, recipes, and popular proverbs.
Let me remind you of the popular proverb, 'you cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs'.