In mid-1936, he was signed to Decca and made scores of popular records until 1946.
If you have a piano in the Home and a pianist, music can provide a chance for a sing-song - so do popular records.
That's literally what it was: a list of the 10 most popular records in Harlem, based on sales reports from six area record shops.
Examples of turntable effects can also be found on popular records produced in the 1960s and 1970s.
Few of these popular records gave any indication of his future Cowboy style.
He discusses some of the major scandals that stained the popular President's record.
If American pop has produced anything that could be called a classic style of popular record, this is probably it.
James recorded many popular records and appeared in many Hollywood movies.
The understanding was that the airing would help record companies show viewers popular records in order to increase album sales.
He began playing the gramophone record and it soon became one of the more popular records at the venue.