The operation failed to crush the resistance, and popular resentment toward the occupation grew stronger than ever.
The medical appropriation of bodies aroused much popular resentment.
As a result, the human rights issue has festered here, and popular resentment has grown.
In vain I tried to explain the accident, but popular resentment is a thing not to be reasoned with.
The issue is sensitive for Canada, where there continues to be intense popular resentment against American media domination.
But given the growing popular resentment against the caucus system, that designation did more harm than good.
The scandal fuelled popular resentment at time of high unemployment and economic austerity.
Political exclusion of the majority often leads to widespread popular resentment towards the dominant elite.
The laws also fed popular resentment against the authorities.
And that popular resentment is now finding support on the Federal bench.