They write more than writers, contributing 42% to its annual production, predominantly popular romances.
Ida decided to write popular contemporary romances and sold her first novel to Mills & Boon in 1952.
The heroine of some popular romance would probably dissolve into tears, and be perfectly incapable of thinking.
Successful writers of popular romance have traditionally created in their books glamorous and exciting dream worlds they never inhabited in reality.
Courses are proliferating on popular romance, detective stories, Gothic fiction and westerns.
"How to Make Love" aspires to an edge, but it is basically a popular romance, almost sappily so.
A real artist's hand, thought Mr. Todhunter, and yet he only writes popular romances.
"A real writer tells the truth," she declares, dismissing a man who churns out popular Yiddish romances, "and that's how he changes the world."
It is included in seven popular tragic romances from Sindh.
Luling is the home of the popular romance and mystery novelist Barbara Colley.