While popular tabloids and magazines seemed to like the novel, higher-brow publications scoffed at it.
Or aren't these awards supposed to recognise popular daily tabloids?
The popular tabloid often seeks out links to Israel and Judaism in its coverage of major foreign news.
The Tattler Building, home of the nation's most popular tabloid, was shiny and new.
But if the popular tabloids and the gossip columns are to be believed, they did not live happily ever after.
They return to New York and find their marriage news has been printed in a popular tabloid the next day.
Editorial members are drawn from the whole press, including the popular tabloids.
Independent research, commissioned by The Post, found that 17 percent of readers of the three popular tabloids were dissatisfied with their paper.
Shortly after the release of the film, all the popular tabloids came out with the "true-life fatal attractions."
The only game in town was mass circulation, and that was to be achieved by NoS becoming an aggressively popular tabloid.