Traditionally, the Republicans have been popularly thought to be the party for veterans, not Democrats.
Pair instability supernovae are popularly thought to be highly luminous.
The exact circumstances of his death have not been documented; it is popularly thought that he was strangled.
In these circumstances, divorce is often popularly thought to be the preferable alternative.
There is far less interest than is popularly thought in extra-curricular activity.
This line was popularly thought to have been an impregnable defensive chain.
It is popularly thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness.
The name is not, as is popularly thought, a railway name, and has been in use since at least the 16th century.
Elephants are popularly thought of as having an excellent memory.
Although popularly thought of as a female offence, women do not outnumber men among those found guilty.