It is popularly understood to oppose the Kirchner government.
Since then, Caro's work has proposed a critical eye on social and political conditions in his country, as to their academic and popularly understood historical connotations.
My guess is that it involves the operation of a faculty that is not popularly understood to be a sense, like sight or smell.
Oreskes and Conway are seen to demonstrate that the doubt merchants are not "objective scientists" as the term is popularly understood.
Her experimental art was not popularly understood.
The air pollution that is associated with car use has been more popularly understood in recent years.
In these verses, we do not see Elymas prophesying as the term is popularly understood, so the model seems to fit this scenario best.
I do not believe that "repression," as popularly understood, exists.
Today it is popularly understood to be a valid developmental phase.
Newman denied there was ever a policy of appeasement as popularly understood.