To put that number in perspective, Wyoming, the nation's least populated state, with only 500,000 people, spends about $5 billion a year on everything.
Today it has the distinction of being the most populated state in Malaysia, with about 3.75 million inhabitants.
Even taking into account that Illinois is the fifth most populous state, many of the ratios are higher than more populated states.
Virginia is the most populated state without a major sports team.
Note: some less populated states were combined in this survey.
I can't imagine a populated state where they do not have this kind of problem.
Wolin has not sought to define what it means to be Jewish in the least populated state of the union.
Bihar at the time was one of the poorest and most populated states in India.
Maybe you live in a larger populated state where there is more competition for your healthcare.
Wyoming, the least populated state, allows cycling on all freeways.