Attacks are down in number globally this year, they say, and rising human populations account for most historical increases.
By the year 2000, those populations will account for closer to 15 percent of Americans, with Latinos being the fastest growing group.
The urban population accounted for 8.4% of the total population in the district.
During the same year, the Chinese population stood at 1,094,700 accounted for 3.5% of Canada's total population.
The mainland population accounted for 97 per cent of the total.
The population of Clare accounted for 117,196 people at the most recent census in 2011.
In 1944, the Jewish population accounted for approximately 25% of the entire city.
The city's growing population of foreign-speaking people may also account for lack of participation, officials say.
The borough's population accounted for 10.4% of the District's total in 1970.
Our population of 500 million does not even account for 8% of the world's population.