The maximum likelihood estimate of the population average is 3.3.
This may serve as an observable estimate of the unobservable population average, which is 2050.
But our estimate of the population average is the sample average, 2052, not 2050.
Chinese Americans also hold lower unemployment rates than the population average with a figure of 4.7% compared to a national rate of 5.9% in 2010.
It should be less than 175% of population average.
This is a population average, so this is not to say that individuals don't change.
The current student population averages 12,000 full-time enrolled students, making it one of the larger community colleges in the state.
"It's the population average of preferred characteristics that we sell to the farmer, not how good the best one is."
Its population averages at 509 (2001 census) but increases in the summer months.
Unemployment among the under-25 age group has reached 21.4% in the EU: double that of the population average.