The working population constitutes 31% of the total population.
At the end of the colonial period, the native population still constituted about half of the total population.
"The homeless population 17 to 21 with no alternatives whom they serve constitute a small minority," he said.
As of December 1, 2009, the town's population constitutes 2,069 inhabitants.
Gond is the second largest tribe, with a population of 4,357,918 constituting 35.6 per cent.
It is thought that this population may constitute a separate taxon.
Thus, one could argue that these populations constitute a single species, or two distinct species.
In 1985 the population of Seoul constituted 23.8% of the national total.
This population of hard-core users, numbering about three million, constitute our nation's true drug problem.
Canada's aboriginal population constitutes a small but important part of our country.