When Wortham's boom ended, the population crashed from its 1927 peak of 30,000 to 2,000 people in 1929.
It was the subject of scientific research until populations suddenly crashed in 1987 and it had disappeared completely by 1989.
By 1900, the population had crashed to several thousand.
This population crashed in 1995 and 1996 due to problems implementing necessary management actions.
Until 1849, the species seems to have been able to hold its own at least in remote areas, but subsequently, the population crashed, never to recover.
During the postwar economic boom in the 1950s, the residential population of most downtowns crashed.
The population there crashed 90 percent, federal scientists say, while in other areas the birds were hit less hard.
A population can crash then, only those individuals surviving who by chance have the proper polygenetic complex to meet the requirements of the changed conditions.
Its population had crashed to a low of just 100-200 pairs on Aorangi in the late 1930s.
At present birthrates, however, without new immigration, her population will crash to 600 million by 2050.