The city had a density of 51,4 persons per km2 in 2012.
The district has a population density of 249 persons per km2.
In 2008 the town's population was estimated as 19,543, with a density of 23.08 persons per km2.
The area is 18.23 km2 with a population density of 1,087 persons per square km.
This figure would increase to 1,232,750 should a density of 100 persons per acre be adopted for the central area.
Average household size is recorded at 5 with an urban density of 6500 persons per km2.
The total area is 25.22 km2, and a density of 348.93 persons per km2.
The density of 48 persons per square mile was considerably above the District average.
It had a population density of 3,317 persons per square kilometer.
In 2003, the city had an estimated population of 48,234 and a density of 243.00 persons per km2.