If it was, there would be a hell of a population drop.
After this enormous population drop, new settlers were called in from less devastated German territories.
One county - Wise - had seen its population drop from 3,160 in the year 1860 to 1,450 in 1870.
Four of the ten cities here would have their first ever population drop in 1940.
There's talk of a population drop in the valley, just when it's rising elsewhere.
The growth of state government helped to reverse the county's population drop.
In some cases, the proposed taboos are based on habitat destruction and risk, rather than population drops.
This loss of jobs resulted in a population drop of 40% between 1920 and 1940.
This state saw its population drop by 137,000, or 4.7 percent, in the 1990 Census, compared with the 1980 count.
"If we were to drive the skymounts from a breeding world this fine, it could cause a major population drop for generations to come."