During the 12-13 school year, the population has expanded to over 2,000 students.
The city's population quickly expanded from 5,000 to 10,000 in a few years.
In 1951 the population was still only about 481 but then expanded rapidly.
The population of the city rapidly expanded, as did the need for community services, especially schools.
The city's economy and population expanded at an accelerated rate.
The population of California expanded dramatically, to nearly 20 million by 1970.
Species are dying out because the human population is expanding.
Due to increased demand for oil during the second world war, the city's population had expanded to 10,000.
During the gold rush the population expanded to more than 30,000 people.
But with a population expanding by 4 million a year, it will also soon turn to the world market for grain.