Even allowing for population rise, are we all really going to be flying that much more?
This makes the city's daytime population rise from about 391,000 to over 427,000.
Many of these, it says, stem from a fourfold population rise since 1958.
Of course, those years also saw the global population rise from an estimated 4.8 billion to 5.6 billion.
"I have never seen a population rise to such a fever pitch!"
Most important mark of this is the city center, which almost remained the same size since 1993-1994, when the population rise started.
This makes the city's daytime population rise from about 560,000 to over 720,000 according to estimates based on the 2000 Census.
This makes the city's daytime population rise from about 396,000 to over 776,000.
He believed that education was necessary to help the black population rise to political and economic equality with whites.
As population rises and land gets scarcer, the problem is getting worse.