After Dow started operations, the population again saw a significant increase to 4,152 in 1966, up from 2,972 five years earlier.
The city's black population saw a 345.2% increase in the last decade.
Its population after 1982 saw big decreases until 2010 when it grew by less than 100 for the first time since 1950.
Only the Asian population has seen somewhat of a change.
"The general population has not seen most of this stuff."
The general population saw a 22.62% increase to 38,555,983 individuals in 1870.
This population has seen a constant increase, beginning at the end of the 1920s, until today.
The rural population saw the old religious order in danger.
The Greek population certainly saw that the world was at financial war.
Its population has seen a sharp decline in the past 60 years or so.