These declines were followed by a period of population stabilization that was ascribed to Conservation ecology measures.
Wattenberg also fails to note the many factors that mitigate against population stabilization.
New Sustainability Paradigm is characterized by population stabilization, lower consumerism, and greener values.
"Our purpose is to create as strong a program as possible to focus on the issue of population stabilization and on the issue of women."
Most Issues Resolved The final conference document is intended to establish guidelines for population stabilization during the next two decades.
These declines were followed by a period of population stabilization ascribed to conservation measures.
In 1997 members from a range of immigration reduction and environmental organizations met to rededicate themselves to the effort of population stabilization.
In the Senate, he focused on environmental issues, particularly global climate change and population stabilization.
For example, adaptive behavior is a mechanism of population stabilization.