"Gender differences in physical aggression: A prospective population-based survey of children before and after 2 years of age".
Moreover, a generalised epidemic is already under way in the provinces of Papua and West Papua, where a population-based survey found an adult-prevalence rate of 2.4% in 2006.
Physicians for Human Rights recently asked Iraqis about the United Nations' role there in a population-based survey of more than 2,000 households.
The frequency of caffeine withdrawal in a population-based survey and in a controlled, blinded pilot experiment.
Reasons for the difference in outcomes between the population-based surveys and previous case series could include:
However, a recent Finnish population-based survey suggested that the prevalence had been largely overestimated due to methodological shortcomings regarding age distribution and low participation (in earlier reports).
Low income persons in a population-based survey were approximately three times more likely to report difficulty paying for physician bills or prescription drugs than those persons with higher income [ 36].
Hanifin, Jon M; Reed, Michael L. "A population-based survey of eczema prevalence in the United States".
There have been no state-of-the-art population-based surveys.