If these talks fail, Cameron will become prime minister anyway and attempt to run a populist government that can win a second election later in the year.
And in Slovakia, the jury is still out as to whether a new populist government will stick to the current date of 2009.
Mr. García, whose 1985-90 populist government was overshadowed by corruption charges, guerrilla violence and economic chaos, had 44 percent support.
Divorce came in the 1930s and 1940s as populist governments turned inwards.
The populist government is reorganizing the country's colossal oil industry, taking a bigger share from private multinationals.
The succession of thoughtless, economic policies under the current populist government are a disaster not only for the entire eurozone and Europe.
That was before a previous populist government nationalized foreign oil assets in the 1970's.
But the film has also been harshly criticized by Venezuela's populist government for its grim portrayal of life in Caracas.
Yet worries about populist governments in Argentina and Brazil seem to have made neighboring nations more eager to sign bilateral deals.
Bulgaria is being governed by an incompetent, but populist government, which is using methods typical of the 1930s.