As a scion of the Louisiana overclass, Jack Burden was unable to serve his rising populist governor without betraying class and family.
And he entered state politics as a young man, attaching himself to James E. (Big Jim) Folsom, the flamboyant populist governor who always championed the "little man" against the "interests."
These populist governors appealed to a less-educated, blue-collar electorate that on economic grounds favored the Democratic Party, but opposed desegregation.
Using his old trading contacts with coalmine bosses, Abramov was introduced to Aman Tuleev, populist governor of the region.
Leonel Brizola, a populist former governor of Rio de Janeiro, advocates auditing the entire debt and limiting payments to 15 percent of export earnings.
Michener proved to be a populist governor general whose tenure is considered to be a key turning point in the history of his office.
Mr. Soong, a populist former governor of Taipei province, came in second with a strong 37 percent showing; Lien Chan, the Nationalist, got just 23 percent.
These populist governors appealed to a less-educated, blue-collar electorate that on economic grounds favored the Democratic Party and supported segregation.
A populist governor and Democrat, Maddox came to prominence as a staunch segregationist.
Yes, Russell Long, the son of Huey Long, the flamboyant populist governor of Louisiana immortalized in All the King's Men .