These populist sentiments from Vallone, a Democrat from Queens, just might have something to do with his mayoral aspirations.
The music has sanctimonious stretches, and for all their populist sentiments, the Broadsiders generally stayed unplugged and ignored contemporary black music.
The global and still-spreading Occupy movement has arguably been the most noticeable physical enactment of anti-austerity and populist sentiment.
Class structures may be weak in the United States, but populist sentiments run high.
Congress was not altogether happy with the populist sentiments of the F.S.A. pictures, which some thought socialistic, even communistic.
It's not just populist sentiment to say, "The game belongs to the fans."
"Deformities of Samuel Johnson", published anonymously, appealed to populist Scottish sentiments.
I hope that the atmosphere of the European Summit in June, at which this topic will be addressed, will not be contaminated by populist sentiments.
Mayor Flynn, whose populist sentiments have sometimes led to comparisons with Curley, says the city is interested.
Criticism of Catalan nationalism and allegedly xenophobic, populist and selfish sentiments that feed it, is to be found throughout the Spanish political spectrum.