Ice dwarfs are the most populous group of major bodies in the solar system, he said.
The city's most populous ethnic group, white, declined from 78.1% in 1960 to 51.7% by 2010.
Brooklyn's most populous racial group, white, declined from 97.2% in 1930 to 46.9% by 1990.
Hispanics are expected to soon become the state's most populous ethnic group, and as yet they usually support Democrats.
Manhattan's most populous ethnic group, white, declined from 83.5% in 1940 to 58.3% by 1990.
Attendees included both black Haitians and members of the nation's less populous racial groups.
The Manchus are the second most populous ethnic group and officially make up 9.6% of the population.
Most populous religious group were Roman Catholics with 455 (100%).
The city's most populous ethnic group, non-Hispanic white, declined from 75.8% in 1970 to 55.1% by 2010.
The Langi at 4,617 people (3.5%) are the next most populous group.