The highlands are the most populous part of the nation; the capital Thimphu lies in the western region.
The more populous northern part of the country, comprising about 30% of the country's total area, is called the Middle Land.
As the United States grew, the most populous parts of the organized territory would achieve statehood.
But in more populous parts of the country, polls indicate that the general's victory is far from certain.
Medellín, the flattest, widest and most populous part of the valley.
North China (then the most populous part) is thought to have lost about three-quarters of its population.
Throughout history, this has been the most populous part of Andalusia.
The Northfarthing is the least populous part of the Shire.
Nevertheless, at the time Haiti achieved independence in 1804, it was still the richer, stronger, and more populous part of the island.
The citadel seems to have been the most populous part; here were the workshops which produced the famous Limoges enamels.