"A pornography site bought out this bankrupt company," he said, and with it, the Web site.
Compaq Computer dismissed 20 employees several years ago because each had visited pornography sites more than 1,000 times.
He supported a bill to require online pornography sites to have a .
He generally liked his job, but having to search pornography sites every day disgusted him.
"We've built up a brand awareness over the past four years, but now we have customers asking us if we're running pornography sites."
Religious groups have argued that giving pornography sites their own domain legitimises the content.
The survey did not include payments made to pornography sites.
When he tried to get out of the page by clicking the back and home buttons on his browser, more pornography sites appeared.
On the Web, there are both commercial and free pornography sites.
The chances of calling up an error message - or worse, a pornography site - are quite high.