I mean, Leo, this is like the open ports deal that I created ShieldsUP!
It may well be that the ports deal would entail no security risks.
Administration officials alerted Congress that the deal would go through the committee's review process in an effort to head off the kind of public debate that surrounded the ports deal.
As I tried to argue in a column about the ports deal, this reaction is a crude overgeneralization, but it's there.
And as soon as news leaked out that the administration approved the ports deal, Mr. Menendez tapped it.
Now comes the ports deal.
Downey represented Dubai Ports World and lobbied Congress to approve the controversial ports deal.
The port of Le Havre deals with every type of commodities thanks to the diversity of its terminals.
This limited the amount of cargo that the port could deal with to the detriment of some of its users.
The Republicans dumped the ports deal into the harbor because of xenophobia and electoral tactics.