The portfolio performance was 4.60%, compared with a benchmark return of 2.40%.
Examples of such variables include financial asset prices, portfolio performance, and other antecedent and consequent variables.
Other factors such as risk tolerance, market timing, portfolio size, investment expenses, etc. may also affect the portfolio performance.
Nevertheless, small investors should be aware of their total costs and the effect of fees on portfolio performance.
It provides program participants with the knowledge base to recommend and implement advanced investment strategies and evaluate portfolio performance for their clients.
This gives the slope of the CML and hence the measure could be used to position portfolio performance in the risk return space.
Investors have telephone access to portfolio performance, account balances and transaction information.
Reducing real estate costs by analyzing property financial data and monitoring portfolio performance against performance indicators and benchmarks.
The portfolio performance, tracked quarterly by Lipper, excludes taxes, because many people invest retirement money in tax-deferred accounts.
So I suggest averaging the two, and using this composite in judging portfolio performance.