These two portions of the trail are not connected due to a property dispute.
The two disconnected portions were finally connected in 1969 when Farm to Market Road 387, completed in 1959, was redesignated.
The three portions of the county are connected directly to each other only by gravel-surface, low-speed county or federal agency roads.
The portion of the ship above water was connected to the hulls via the two angled struts.
During this step, various portions of the CPU are connected so they can perform the desired operation.
Both portions were connected by Tarraghters termon lands.
The portion of the road south of Hornopiren is connected to Argentina year-round though, using several border crossings along the way.
The portions are connected by 26 Street SE to form one continuous route.
The northwestern portion of the strait is connected with other sheltered waterways via the Smyth Channel.
The upper portion of the partial veil (next to the gill cavity) is connected directly with the margin of the cap.