Magnus decided now to return to Norway, while leaving a portion of his forces to hold Dublin and its surrounding lands.
They formed a sizable portion of Ungern's forces and often received favorable treatment when compared with other ethnic groups in the Baron's army.
Regardless of my refusal to travel by water, we have not enough ships to move a significant portion of our forces anywhere.
In thinking this, Arbogast dispatched a substantial portion of his forces to the south, which proved to be a costly maneuver by Arbogast.
The battle was viewed by Sauron as a tactical defeat as he had committed only a small portion of his forces to the assault.
Now that portion of his forces questioned all of it.
While the Romans were approaching Cannae, a small portion of Hannibal's forces ambushed the Roman army.
Ormonde and his forces retreated to the east, although a portion of his forces joined Grey's advancing army.
If I do not survive this war, you'll more than likely be made a brigadier and asked to take command of a portion of my forces.
This drew off significant portions of their forces to protect their supply line and route of travel.