Keep in mind that a portion of the fee goes to the park and gorilla conservation initiatives, helping to ensure their survival.
That is the practice whereby a patient can make a private arrangement with the physician to pay the portion of the fee not covered by insurance.
In many cases, he said, a portion of the fee is refunded if there has been no damage to the building.
In addition to that, a portion of the $25 annual fee for the iTunes Match service will also go to the labels.
Such incentive fees are difficult to administer in mutual funds, in which management companies effectively charge a portion of the fee every day.
Yahoo earns a portion of the monthly fee for each customer who converts.
In most instances a portion of the fee is returned to the volunteer over the course of the stay as an allowance.
Currently, we have about 200 companies who pick up a portion of the fee for their employees.
In return, the fund companies receive a portion of the annual fee, averaging 2.25 percent, charged by wrap accounts.
These so-called limited-service brokers often charge commissions less than the 5 percent industry average or they refund a portion of the fee to their clients.