The portly form of Mr. Crocker loomed up from the direction of the back stairs.
The Sorcerer's portly form looked somehow tired, standing.
Master Jojonah moved very close and crouched as low as his portly form would allow, studying and sympathizing.
A portly form in a heavy cloak climbed slowly down and was transported to the leading ironclad.
Leaving the papers in Brett's hand, Fengram stepped forward, inserting his portly form as a buffer.
The DaiMon sat his portly form at the foot of the wardroom table, opposite DuVall.
Wol turned around to see Vok's portly form and smiling face, framed by stringy brown hair.
A moment later the tall and portly form of Mycroft Holmes was ushered into the room.
Maryam let out a little scream and I let out a muffled swear word as a portly form climbed laboriously through the window.
Except for Kao, whose portly form still blocked the door, the way was now clear.