A small but portly woman opened the door and greeting the boys rather coolly, showed them the way into a tiny parlor.
General Hawkins - A short, portly woman in charge of the local army base.
A portly black woman in a wide apron opened the door.
"We'll be in touch," said his lead attorney, a tall, portly woman with a bad haircut.
She was a portly woman in her late fifth decade but fit and agile enough not to hinder the expedition.
A portly woman on the factory steps, smartly bundled, murmured that she would.
At that moment, a portly German woman came bustling out.
A portly women answered the door, announced that she was the janitor's wife.
She was a portly, short woman with cat-eye glasses.
Sometimes she was there with a portly middle-aged woman with pale skin and dyed red hair.