The portraits appearing on the U.S. currency can feature only deceased individuals, whose names should be included below each of the portraits.
Castro's portrait features a notable sharp aquiline nose, but that was part of his particular style, and his other works usually feature similar noses.
There is, however, a portrait of Lady Eleanor featured at Skipton Castle.
The portrait, titled "Memories of Olive," features Thomas nude from the waist up while clutching a rose.
The portrait also features the faint outline of a negro servant, which serves to highlight Glassford's involvement in the slave trade.
Her portrait in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery features the sculpture.
Another portrait, this time of Queen Charlotte, features Octavius.
A third portrait featured from 1910 to 1917.
A portrait of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands featured on the obverse.
In contrast, Fabritius' portraits feature delicately lit subjects against light-coloured, textured backgrounds.