Two portraits by Ingres - one opening the show, the other closing it - illustrate this metamorphosis.
Nevertheless his style bears little evidence of academic grounding, as his 1810 portrait of Cynthia Brown King illustrates.
De Valera's portrait illustrated the front cover of the 25 March 1940 issue of TIME magazine accompanying the article EIRE: Prime Minister of Freedom.
He painted portraits, genre paintings, landscapes, illustrated magazines and books.
That portrait better than anything I can say illustrates the kind of man he was.
Mr. Gordon said the portrait illustrated how commercial these works were.
Their portraits of women, perceived as icons of European fashion, also illustrate the development of a society of leisure, for which the beaches of France and Spain provided a fitting playground, but one where elegance was still de rigueur.
Two portraits taken from the interviews will illustrate some of these differences.
Half-length portraits like "Tavant," of 1949, with its rigid, abstracted forms, illustrate how he combined elements of Picasso and Byzantine art.
The conflicting portraits illustrate how the batch of diplomatic documents made available by WikiLeaks can be glimpses of the American government's views, sometimes reflecting only part of the story, rather than concrete assertions of fact.